AWS SQS Service Case Study: BMW

Priyanka Hajare
3 min readJun 18, 2021

Amazon Simple Queue Service…

Amazon Simple Queue Service also known as the AWS SQS in AWS cloud. It is fully managed message queues for the serverless applications, micro-services and distributed systems. SQS eliminates the difficulties and burden of managing the message or notification produced by any middleware system.

It is a message queue service used by distributed system applications to exchange messages through a polling model, and can be used to decouple sending and receiving components.

It supports HTTP over SSL (HTTPS) and transport layer security (TLS) protocols for the security.

Using SQS you can store, send and receive messages between software services at any size, without losing messages or requiring other services to be available.

💠 SQS provides two types of message queues →

  1. SQS Standard Queue → It provides maximum throughput, at-least-once delivery, Message Sampling, and batching.
  2. SQS FIFO Queue → It is designed to make sure that messages are forwarded exactly one time, in order that they are sent to the queue.

💠 Benefits of Using SQS →

  • Eliminates administrative overhead → SQS is fully managed service provided by aws in which no role of administrator came in play again and again. This is possible because once you create the queue, behind the scene aws managed all the backend services need to keep uptime and high availability of this service.
  • Reliable delivery messages → SQS can deliver the message of any volume with maximum throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be available.
  • Keep sensitive data secure → You can use SQS provided by AWS to exchange sensitive data between applications using server-side encryption (SSE) to encrypt each message body. It also has the facility to integrate with aws key management allows you to centrally manage the keys that protect SQS messages.
  • Scale elastically and cost-effectively → It provides no limit on the number of messages per queue so if the messages are more then it scale-out automatically and scale-in. This whole process is managed by the AWS engineers.

💠 Some Companies that are using AWS SQS service to solve their challenges →

  1. EMS
  2. NASA
  3. BMW
  4. CapitalOne
  5. Change Healthcare

💠 Now let’s BMW case study (How BMW getting benifits using aws SQS.)

Challenge Solved of BMW using AWS →

The BMW Group is using AWS for its new BMW 7 series cars to give drivers dynamically updated map information. BMW built its new car-as-a-sensor (CARASSO) service in only six months using Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ) , Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS ) and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

BMW uses SQS for decoupling Receiver and Worker. The receiver keeps on adding messages to the SQS and Worker continuously polls the data and processes it and stores this data into the RDS database and MApData.

Watch the video…

Thank you for reading ….!😊

